This week I will send out the first eight page preview for the first issue. Join our mailing list if you’d like a copy of the preview:
If you’re not into comics but just want to support me because I’m so awesome and drop-dead gorgeous, I’d love for you guys to like our FB page:
Carnouche Productions – Comics
The logline of the story is:
“In a future where death is not always the end, a lonely yet resolute Aboriginal-Australian detective challenges the world’s most powerful corporation in a battle to save his people from almost certain extinction. If he is to succeed, he must re-discover his Indigenous roots while also finally learning to overcome the loss of his family who died in the techno-plague that ravished Australia five years earlier.”
The Resurrected comic touches on several philosophical themes that I feel particularly engaged with, including those linked to death and mortality, identity and the nature of freedom and responsibility. It also delves into social-political issues, most significantly the ongoing destructive effects that the centuries old invasion of Australia has had on the Indigenous population.
I’ve been lucky enough to have some of my Indigenous friends review my plot and script and some of the art.
I’m working alongside an extremely talented and experienced team, who have all worked for well-known comic book publishers – Crizam is the artist, Salvatore Aiala the colourist and Erica Schultz is the editor. We’ve just hooked a big name for the variant over but we’ll keep that a secret for the timebeing.
The first issue is complete and will be out in a few months. We will be self-publishing it and running a Kickstarter in mid-Feb as a way of streamlining pre-orders and pre-selling some merchandise. There will be PDF copies of issue one available in April and the print copy should be available in June. We’re already deep into issue two so that should arrive hot on the heels of the first issue.
Here are a few sneak peak panels to give you an idea of the art.

Thanks to all of my wonderful family and friends who have already been so supportive!