Logline for our upcoming comic book series!

Hi guys,

This is a brand new page with pretty much no content but in a month or two we will begin sharing content related to a brand new comic book mini-series we are producing along with an incredibly talented and established team of international artists.

The ‘high concept’ for this five part mini-series:

Bladerunner and Almost Human meet V for Vendetta.

The basic logline:

In a future where death is not always the end, a heartbroken Aboriginal-Australian, whose country has been decimated by a techno-plague, challenges the world’s most powerful corporation in a clash to save his people from almost certain extinction.

Okay enough hints for now 🙂

We’re still unsure whether this series will be pitched to a company to publish or whether we will take the self-publishing route.

Although we’re deep into the art production phase, we will keep the main details of this series quiet for the time-being. We will though share some articles about the entire production process.

Thanks to everyone for their amazing support of this project. I’ve been working on this for almost a year now but I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel!

Christian Carnouche
Creator and Writer

Welcome to Carnouche Productions!

Welcome all to the webpage for Carnouche Productions. We are pretty much ‘under construction’ at the moment but are deep into the creation of a new comic book mini-series, which will include some of the industry’s brightest artistic talents. We’re keeping the project under wraps for the timebeing as we decide what publishing path we will take.

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