Introducing The Resurrected’s Xander Calypse!

We’re finally introducing another main character for our comic series The Resurrected. Check this link if you missed the introduction of our protagonist – Cain Duluth

Meet Xander Calypse, the enigmatic CEO of the all-powerful Drexler Nanotech Corporation (DNC), the company responsible for creating the now banned resurrection serum and for developing the weaponised nanobots that obliterated the Australian population in 2032. Although DNC has been heavily criticised for its reckless development of certain technologies, it was also responsible for designing the nano-technologies that eliminated disease, famine and pollution.

Xander is intensely driven and has little empathy for others. He would do absolutely anything to achieve his goals, but what does a man who is wealthy beyond belief still desire?

Introducing Cain Duluth: The Resurrected’s Protagonist

This is a huge moment for us – the first time that we will publicly name the protagonist for our comic book series The Resurrected. In fact it’s the first time any character will be named. Drum roll please……..The protagonist’s name is…..Cain Duluth! 

So who the hell is this good looking dude and what is he doing in our story? The year is 2037 and Cain Duluth, a 39 year old Aboriginal-Australian detective, is one of the world’s last surviving Australians after the population was obliterated during a terrorist attack in 2032. Struggling to rebuild his life after his wife and daughter were killed in the attack, Cain works for the Special Division for the Resurrected (SDR) on the man-made island of Nova Lucis; the newly relocated United Nations just off the east coast of the United States. The SDR’s goal is to pursue and permanently detain ‘Rezzies’ (individuals who have been resurrected from the prohibited resurrection serum). Although Cain would do anything to get his family back, he is against the resurrection serum and similar nano-technologies that he believes were responsible for the destruction of of his homeland.

Thanks to Crizam Zamora for the beautiful pencils and inks and Salvatore Aiala for the wonderful colours. Check in here soon for more previews!





From pencils to colours: The Resurrected artistic process

We finally have the chance to reveal some art process shots for our comic book series ‘The Resurrected,‘ pencilled and inked by artist Crizam Zamora, coloured by Salvatore Aiala and written by myself, Christian Carnouche.

Check out our logline if you want to know what the series is all about:


We’ve isolated one panel to illustrate the process from the very first pencil outlines (which are quite detailed compared to what a lot of other artists provide for their outlines), to the inking – where these outlines are fleshed out, and finally to the colours. This panel won’t be complete until the dialogue/narration bubbles are added by our letterer.

It is quite common in comics that changes are made during the artistic process, as you can see with this panel. In the pencilled page, the imprisoned Indigenous are standing in front of some trees, while – for the sake of clarifying the story’s chronology, we decided to replace this background in the inked page with a prison.

I know I’m a little biased but I’m absolutely stoked with the magic Criz and Sal have weaved into this panel, and the rest of the story for that matter.


First ever coloured panels sneak peek for The Resurrected!

We’re finally releasing some randomly chosen completely inked and coloured panels from our comic book series ‘The Resurrected.’

Check out our logline if you want to know what the series is all about:


The below panels have been randomly selected from some of our beautiful pages at various points in the first issue; pencilled and inked by artist Crizam Zamora and coloured by Salvatore Aiala, who we’ll formally introduce very soon. Obviously I’m working with some extremely talented and experienced artists…The pages are still be lettered with narration and dialogue.

This first screenshot is of two panels of the second page, which is basically an introduction to the story’s overall theme. Yes we’ve adopted the not so subtle sledgehammer approach to the theme….

The below panel takes place pretty much just as the action takes off. Hope you all enjoyed these previews! What the hell is happening in this panel? Well don’t ask me! I”m just the writer!


Introducing Crizam Zamora: the artist for ‘The Resurrected’

So who is the mysterious artist behind The Resurrected’s beautiful artwork? His name is Cristhian ‘Crizam’ Zamora, a Uruguayan living in Portugal. Not only is he the ‘penciller’ of our series but he is also the ‘inker’ (another artist will colour his finished pages).

Crizam is an extremely talented artist and has already gained a wealth of experience in the comic book realm. He has worked for such well-known comic book publishers as Dynamite and Zenescope and on titles like ‘Vampirella, Swords of Sorrow: Black Sparrow & Lady Zorro Special, E.V.I.L. Heroes, The Precinct  and Grimm Tales of Terror. Check out Crizam’s Comic Book Database profile if you’d like to check out the rest of his titles:

Crizam – Comic Book DB

As a first time writer, it is was always going to be difficult for me to find artists to colloborate with, so I’m honoured to work alongside such an experienced talent. I was lucky enough to have had my script and story editor introduce me to Crizam (who in turn hooked me up with our colourist).

If you’ve missed our previous posts, here are some examples of some of Crizam’s pencils for The Resurrected:

And here is Crizam’s art blog, where you’ll find loads of examples of his previous art:

Crizam Tumbler

Hope you guys enjoy Crizam’s work. Soon we will introduce the colourist.






First sequential art sneak peek for ‘The Resurrected!

Quick update to share the first ever public update showcasing sequential art work by our artist Crizam, who selected three random panels from ‘The Resurrected‘ comic book series to share with you all.

For those who aren’t familiar with the production process, this example is from the ‘pencilling’ stage, which is where Crizam is converting my script into rough pencil outlines. He will then ink over these outlines, before passing them onto our colourist. Once the pages are coloured, our letterer will go about entering all of the speech bubbles, sounds effects and narration. It’s a long and complex process to transform my script into a fully fledged comic book and I have nothing but admiration for comic book artists.

At some point I’ll post an article detailing the entire production process in more detail.

Title and logo announced – ‘THE RESURRECTED’

I’ve been reticent to announce the title of my upcoming comic book series because it may change if we are picked up by a publisher but today I’m finally revealing them. Druuuuuum roll please…….

If you missed the logline for The Resurrected, you can check it out here:

The Resurrected Logline

The title logo was designed by my good friend Shannon Peel (aka ‘Dmote’ – the world renowned graffiti artist and all-round legend of a bloke). Shannon also designed the logo for Carnouche Productions. Check out more details about Shannon and the company logo:

Our new company logo – courtesy of ‘Dmote’

The title has several meanings in relation to my story and theme but at this point I”ll not be giving these away 🙂

The pencil layouts are almost complete for the first issue and the colouring has begun. We will soon be sharing art sneak peeks. I will also be introducing the artists very soon! I’m very excited!